Sunday, January 18, 2015

Advanced Warfare

Hello, It's Patoriku here! Today I'm going to write about the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, especially multiplayer and exo-survival. I've already written about the campaign, so if you want to read it go to my older posts and read "Futuristic War".
I started to play multiplayer just a couple of days ago so I'm still only level 14. My best score was in Team DeathMatch, 20 kills and 9 deaths. I think that's pretty good.
Only modes that I've been playing are Team DeathMatch, Classic Team DeathMatch and Infected. Of course there's a lot more modes that you can choose to play, but these three are my favourites.
In the multiplayer, there's a couple of new things that wasn't in the previous games. Like exo-ability and exo-movement. You can do double jumps, fast dodging and use exo-abilitys, which gives you like more speed, a shield and more health. But to be honest, I suck at using them. It's hard to shoot when enemy is flying around!
My favourite part of this game is Exo-Survival! Yeah, it's hard but I like it! My best score is only round 15.
In this game mode you can choose from a three classes: Light-, Heavy- and Specialist Exo. Light Exo can use all exo-movements and he can use light guns (submachine guns,etc.). Heavy Exo is slow, but can absorb more damage and also deals more damage than others. Heavy Exo uses heavy guns. Specialist is a little more faster than Heavy and Specialist uses shotguns and snipers. They all have a different scorestreaks from the beginning (Light has a UAV, Heavy has a goliath and Specialist has a turret). I like to play as a Specialist, because he has the turret from the start.
When you get further in Exo-Survival, you'll start to get a support drops. You get perks or scorestreaks from them, so they are really useful. Also, there's some missions you have to do, like collect dog tags,etc. I recommend to do these missions before you kill the last enemy, because otherwise you'll get punished (weapons hacked, nano swarms, enemy turret, etc.).

Customization. That's how I made my character to look like!



What's your favourite mode in Advanced Warfare? Remember to leave a comment and follow!
This was the end of this post. Hope you liked it! See you guys next time! Bye-ee!

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